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"+ jULy_pOuH! +"

"'And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,' he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word.
'What a stupid lamb,' I sighed.
'What a sick, masochistic lion.'"
-- Edward and Bella-- ==> xEMpre aQouh! jEjE !

+" hABi_qoUh! "+
November 2008
January 2009

+' i LOv mYxeLf moR daN anYone eLSe!
+" jUKenz "+

+" rAIn "+t

+" uR aLL i nEd "+

+" rAIn_2 "+

+" sAm_pOUh! "+

+' i Lov yOu aBBa! '+
+" LaNIdyL "+

"+ aDd mEh gUYz Sumaya1.blogspot.com
designer: +" F-I-E-L "+
basecodes:+"xIMpLey bEIn' mEH! "+.

+' aLab nG fUso!+'

<$jULy's dATe!$> |2:02 AM

+" haPy vaLenTInes!!!!!!!!

+" gBUH!!='

+" jULy_pOuh!+'

+" mY eDWard!!!!+" awO awOO!!!

<$jULy's dATe!$> |1:48 AM

++ pAwa xaH mGa twiLIght fanTc gaYa nMin+"
nI glAdyZ!!!!
_+ kIndLy lOOk oUT d' PicTure!! pOSted!!!
praH!!! jeJe ____!!!!! waLA lNg +"

+" au Au !!!!!
+" gbuh!+'
+" jOUL_poUH!="

+'wAna sAy sOMethIn' "+

<$jULy's dATe!$> |1:33 AM

+" hOwdY! "+ mUxtaH?????
+" pRa sa mGa maY daTe dZ vaLentinE "+
hApi vaLentiNe
+" pRa nMN xa Mga WaLa!!"+
hAHa!!!! gAYa q!!!! haPy vaLEntinE din pouH!!!!
+" iTs nOt oUr tYm!!!! haHAiz!!! +'
+' oWKiEz lNg nUH!!!
+" jEKik!!! ai XAh naNG uYav uYav!!!!
+" uNAhA xaH naH aTOUH!!!! wEB sITe!!!! mGa cOMsCIe!!!+"
+" gUd lUck xAH tOH!!!+"
"+ dZ inCOming pRE-fInal+"

+" gBUH!!! +"

===> jULy !!!!!

♥ mY nEw yEars rEsolUtioN ♥

<$jULy's dATe!$> |11:46 PM

♥ For this coming 2009 I already have my new year's resolution list ♥

♦ New beggining
♦ More respect for my Mother and Father as well as my little sister
♦ "No" for boyfriends ksi lapit na ng finals namin
♦ More effort to increase my grades
♦ Of course "DIET"