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"+ jULy_pOuH! +"

"'And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,' he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word.
'What a stupid lamb,' I sighed.
'What a sick, masochistic lion.'"
-- Edward and Bella-- ==> xEMpre aQouh! jEjE !

+" hABi_qoUh! "+
November 2008
January 2009

+' i LOv mYxeLf moR daN anYone eLSe!
+" jUKenz "+

+" rAIn "+t

+" uR aLL i nEd "+

+" rAIn_2 "+

+" sAm_pOUh! "+

+' i Lov yOu aBBa! '+
+" LaNIdyL "+

"+ aDd mEh gUYz Sumaya1.blogspot.com
designer: +" F-I-E-L "+
basecodes:+"xIMpLey bEIn' mEH! "+.

+' aLab nG fUso!+'

<$jULy's dATe!$> |2:02 AM

+" haPy vaLenTInes!!!!!!!!

+" gBUH!!='

+" jULy_pOuh!+'

+" mY eDWard!!!!+" awO awOO!!!

<$jULy's dATe!$> |1:48 AM

++ pAwa xaH mGa twiLIght fanTc gaYa nMin+"
nI glAdyZ!!!!
_+ kIndLy lOOk oUT d' PicTure!! pOSted!!!
praH!!! jeJe ____!!!!! waLA lNg +"

+" au Au !!!!!
+" gbuh!+'
+" jOUL_poUH!="

+'wAna sAy sOMethIn' "+

<$jULy's dATe!$> |1:33 AM

+" hOwdY! "+ mUxtaH?????
+" pRa sa mGa maY daTe dZ vaLentinE "+
hApi vaLentiNe
+" pRa nMN xa Mga WaLa!!"+
hAHa!!!! gAYa q!!!! haPy vaLEntinE din pouH!!!!
+" iTs nOt oUr tYm!!!! haHAiz!!! +'
+' oWKiEz lNg nUH!!!
+" jEKik!!! ai XAh naNG uYav uYav!!!!
+" uNAhA xaH naH aTOUH!!!! wEB sITe!!!! mGa cOMsCIe!!!+"
+" gUd lUck xAH tOH!!!+"
"+ dZ inCOming pRE-fInal+"

+" gBUH!!! +"

===> jULy !!!!!

♥ mY nEw yEars rEsolUtioN ♥

<$jULy's dATe!$> |11:46 PM

♥ For this coming 2009 I already have my new year's resolution list ♥

♦ New beggining
♦ More respect for my Mother and Father as well as my little sister
♦ "No" for boyfriends ksi lapit na ng finals namin
♦ More effort to increase my grades
♦ Of course "DIET"

"+ mY exPectations"

<$jULy's dATe!$> |7:57 PM

" I expected that in this incoming Intramurals will be succesful and I do hope that every participantd in every departmant will cooperate in every sort of activities it is very necessary for us to have this Intramurals day in order to develop our skills not only physically but also mentally. Go Go !!! cOmscIe."

+"mR. PaLEngKe="

<$jULy's dATe!$> |7:51 PM

'Mr. Palengke' is Senator MAR Roxas, the son of the illustrious Senator Gerry Roxas, and the grandson of the venerable President Manuel Roxas whose public service careers have greatly benefited the country. MAR graduated from the Ateneo de Manila University in 1974 and the Wharton School of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania in 1979. Before entering public service, MAR worked as an investment banker, mobilizing venture capital funds for Small and Medium Enterprises.
MAR's public service life began in the House of Representatives in 1993. After his congressional stint, he was appointed as Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry; and then in 2004, he was elected to the Senate with a staggering 20 million votes, the largest ever obtained by a candidate in any Philippine election.
Owing to his record of accomplishments as a public servant and political leader, the international community described MAR as "one of the young leaders in politics and business who will bring Asia and the Pacific to the forefront of world affairs." At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, MAR was named as "one of the Global Leaders of Tomorrow who is expected to shape the future." Recently, the Singapore Government has awarded him as the 16th Lee Kuan Yew Fellow.
Majority Leader of the House of Representatives
MAR joined the government in 1993 as a Congressman representing the 1st District of Capiz. He later became Majority Leader of the House of Representatives.
As a congressman, MAR espoused consumer protection, underscoring the right of every Filipino to affordable medicines, as his personal advocacy. His landmark laws include, among others:
RA 8759 - establishing in all municipalities a Public Employment Service Office which serves as employment facilitation and information center, and links all job opportunities within the region;
RA 8748 - amending the Special Economic Zone Act by directly allocating to the municipality or city 2% (out of the 5%) gross tax to be collected from the establishments operating in the ecozone and providing for disturbance compensation for persons to be displaced or evicted by publicly-owned ecozones;
RA 8756 - incentivizing the establishment of regional headquarters to encourage investment and operation of multinational companies in the country and to generate more jobs.
MAR's stint in the House is most noted for his principal authorship of RA 7880, also known as the Roxas Law, which ensures fair distribution of the education capital budget among all the provinces. This gave life to his advocacy for fair and equitable access to education, free from regional bias and political patronage considerations.
Mr. Palengke in DTI
In 2000, MAR served as Trade and Industry Secretary. During his four-year stint, he pushed for the development of the "palengke" as the basic unit of the economy and the root of progress, staunchly advocating not only consumer welfare and protection but also sound trade and investment policies, particularly SME development.
Education. MAR intensified his commitment to quality education through the Personal Computers for Public Schools (PCPS) Program, which distributed over 30,000 computers to 2,000 public high schools all over the country. PCPS computers provided some 500,000 high school students with the necessary ICT tools and skills.
Trade. MAR's work regarding trade policy was highlighted during the 2003 WTO Meeting in Cancun, Mexico, where he fought for increased market access for Philippine exports, particularly agricultural products and a rationalized Philippine trade regime so domestic industries would not be unduly harmed.Information Technology. Hailed as the 'Father of the Call Center and Business Process Outsourcing Industries', MAR saw and harnessed the potential of the Philippines as a global e-services hub. He launched 'Make IT Philippines' and organized the first IT-enabled services (ITES) to the US which inevitably led to the biggest global industry names to invest in the country, thereby creating thousands of jobs for Filipino IT workers.
MAR pioneered the establishment of high-technology industry centers and the promotion of the business process outsourcing (BPO) market in the country, particularly call center operations, hence providing jobs and incomes to Filipinos. From a mere 2000 jobs at the onset, the BPO industry now provides hundreds of thousands of jobs, thereby putting the Philippines on the map as a major IT/BPO destination.
Jobs. MAR worked for the reopening of the National Steel Corporation which provided thousands of jobs, income and livelihood to Iligan City, Northern Mindanao and adjacent regions. He also launched the Garment Export Industry Transformation Plan and Assistance Package to enhance the competitiveness of the industry and ensure its viability and vibrancy beyond 2004. Moreover, he initiated the Motor/Vehicle Development Program to promote exports, create a viable market base for our car manufacturers and secure jobs for our workers.
MSMEs. Believing that micro, small and medium enterprises or MSMEs serve as the prime engine for job generation, MAR pushed for MSME development through the SULONG (SMEs Unified Lending Opportunities for National Growth) Program, which granted almost P26.7 billion on low-interest loans to 281,229 SMEs on its first year.
Consumer Welfare. MAR promoted the Tamang Timbang, Tamang Presyo program for consumers to get the "full and best value for their money"; the Presyong Tama, Gamot Pampamilya to make affordable and quality medicines accessible to Filipinos, and Pinoy Pandesal, Palengke ng Bayan, among others. These programs promoted supply chain efficiencies leading to growth and productivity, and a wide range of opportunities and long-term gains.
Being the proponent of the philosophy of 'palengkenomics', which considers the palengke as the economy's weathervane and the mirror by which its over-all health can be seen and measured, MAR to this day continues to conduct weekly monitoring of the prices of prime commodities and maintains strong linkages with suppliers, traders, and vendors in the different wet markets.
"Price is an important economic indicator. It is a crucial determinant of activity in the market place," he said.

+"mR. PaLEngKe="

<$jULy's dATe!$> |7:51 PM

'Mr. Palengke' is Senator MAR Roxas, the son of the illustrious Senator Gerry Roxas, and the grandson of the venerable President Manuel Roxas whose public service careers have greatly benefited the country. MAR graduated from the Ateneo de Manila University in 1974 and the Wharton School of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania in 1979. Before entering public service, MAR worked as an investment banker, mobilizing venture capital funds for Small and Medium Enterprises.
MAR's public service life began in the House of Representatives in 1993. After his congressional stint, he was appointed as Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry; and then in 2004, he was elected to the Senate with a staggering 20 million votes, the largest ever obtained by a candidate in any Philippine election.
Owing to his record of accomplishments as a public servant and political leader, the international community described MAR as "one of the young leaders in politics and business who will bring Asia and the Pacific to the forefront of world affairs." At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, MAR was named as "one of the Global Leaders of Tomorrow who is expected to shape the future." Recently, the Singapore Government has awarded him as the 16th Lee Kuan Yew Fellow.
Majority Leader of the House of Representatives
MAR joined the government in 1993 as a Congressman representing the 1st District of Capiz. He later became Majority Leader of the House of Representatives.
As a congressman, MAR espoused consumer protection, underscoring the right of every Filipino to affordable medicines, as his personal advocacy. His landmark laws include, among others:
RA 8759 - establishing in all municipalities a Public Employment Service Office which serves as employment facilitation and information center, and links all job opportunities within the region;
RA 8748 - amending the Special Economic Zone Act by directly allocating to the municipality or city 2% (out of the 5%) gross tax to be collected from the establishments operating in the ecozone and providing for disturbance compensation for persons to be displaced or evicted by publicly-owned ecozones;
RA 8756 - incentivizing the establishment of regional headquarters to encourage investment and operation of multinational companies in the country and to generate more jobs.
MAR's stint in the House is most noted for his principal authorship of RA 7880, also known as the Roxas Law, which ensures fair distribution of the education capital budget among all the provinces. This gave life to his advocacy for fair and equitable access to education, free from regional bias and political patronage considerations.
Mr. Palengke in DTI
In 2000, MAR served as Trade and Industry Secretary. During his four-year stint, he pushed for the development of the "palengke" as the basic unit of the economy and the root of progress, staunchly advocating not only consumer welfare and protection but also sound trade and investment policies, particularly SME development.
Education. MAR intensified his commitment to quality education through the Personal Computers for Public Schools (PCPS) Program, which distributed over 30,000 computers to 2,000 public high schools all over the country. PCPS computers provided some 500,000 high school students with the necessary ICT tools and skills.
Trade. MAR's work regarding trade policy was highlighted during the 2003 WTO Meeting in Cancun, Mexico, where he fought for increased market access for Philippine exports, particularly agricultural products and a rationalized Philippine trade regime so domestic industries would not be unduly harmed.Information Technology. Hailed as the 'Father of the Call Center and Business Process Outsourcing Industries', MAR saw and harnessed the potential of the Philippines as a global e-services hub. He launched 'Make IT Philippines' and organized the first IT-enabled services (ITES) to the US which inevitably led to the biggest global industry names to invest in the country, thereby creating thousands of jobs for Filipino IT workers.
MAR pioneered the establishment of high-technology industry centers and the promotion of the business process outsourcing (BPO) market in the country, particularly call center operations, hence providing jobs and incomes to Filipinos. From a mere 2000 jobs at the onset, the BPO industry now provides hundreds of thousands of jobs, thereby putting the Philippines on the map as a major IT/BPO destination.
Jobs. MAR worked for the reopening of the National Steel Corporation which provided thousands of jobs, income and livelihood to Iligan City, Northern Mindanao and adjacent regions. He also launched the Garment Export Industry Transformation Plan and Assistance Package to enhance the competitiveness of the industry and ensure its viability and vibrancy beyond 2004. Moreover, he initiated the Motor/Vehicle Development Program to promote exports, create a viable market base for our car manufacturers and secure jobs for our workers.
MSMEs. Believing that micro, small and medium enterprises or MSMEs serve as the prime engine for job generation, MAR pushed for MSME development through the SULONG (SMEs Unified Lending Opportunities for National Growth) Program, which granted almost P26.7 billion on low-interest loans to 281,229 SMEs on its first year.
Consumer Welfare. MAR promoted the Tamang Timbang, Tamang Presyo program for consumers to get the "full and best value for their money"; the Presyong Tama, Gamot Pampamilya to make affordable and quality medicines accessible to Filipinos, and Pinoy Pandesal, Palengke ng Bayan, among others. These programs promoted supply chain efficiencies leading to growth and productivity, and a wide range of opportunities and long-term gains.
Being the proponent of the philosophy of 'palengkenomics', which considers the palengke as the economy's weathervane and the mirror by which its over-all health can be seen and measured, MAR to this day continues to conduct weekly monitoring of the prices of prime commodities and maintains strong linkages with suppliers, traders, and vendors in the different wet markets.
"Price is an important economic indicator. It is a crucial determinant of activity in the market place," he said.